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If you select the wrong application, simply hit cancel or exit and do not save the application.

If you have questions to a particular application, please contact the person noted on the information notice or website where you found the application.

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Call for Literary and Visual Art Submissions for Volume 22

Fall 2024 / Spring 2025

Deadline For Spring Cycle: April 1, 2025


California College of the Arts' literary and art journal Humble Pie is currently accepting submissions for its 22nd volume.

Published by the Writing & Literature Program at CCA, our anthology Humble Pie is embedded in the belief that self-expression is critical to sustaining a vibrant community. Our mission is to advance the development of poets, writers, and artists, to promote unity within the literary community, and to help build an environment in which literature and the arts can thrive.

We welcome work from those affiliated with CCA including current and former students, staff, and faculty.

For Volume 22, we will have a special themed section on Memory & Nostalgia. Submitters can opt in/out of this theme. Choosing to be part of the theme will not impact one’s chances.

We have two reading periods for this volume, one during each semester. Our Fall reading period deadline is 01 April 2025, at 11:59 pm PST.

Please read the following general guidelines before submitting. 

You must be a current or former affiliate with California College of the Arts, as students, faculty, or staff. The context of your connection (how and when) should be evident in your bio.

You can submit work in multiple categories or genres. Provide separate uploads for each piece since they will be evaluated individually by our editors.

Submit unpublished work only. We will make an exception if you originally self-published on a platform like Instagram or on a personal website or blog. We will also make an exception if you can easily confirm/verify our right to reprint work that has been published elsewhere. 

Simultaneous submissions are OK, but please notify us immediately if you need to withdraw your submission because it is accepted elsewhere.

Submissions are free.

The editorial board will announce decisions and notify artists/writers in April 2025. If we need clarification about a submission, however, we may contact you prior to April 2025. Accepted contributors will not be paid in cash, yet will receive one copy of the printed volume as compensation. The print journal will be published and shipped to the contributor.


Visual Art and Graphic Narrative Submissions

  • submit up to 5 (five) separate works in 300 dpi (print resolution) 
  • upload them as separate files since each work will be evaluated separately
  • graphic/visual narratives spanning more than one page should be uploaded as a print/press resolution 8.5" x 11" PDF (limited to five sequential pages per uploaded title/work)
  • artworks may include but are not limited to: painting, drawing, illustration, photographs, film stills, design work, fiber/textile arts (as photographs/scans), collage, sculpture (as photographs), ceramics (as photographs), graphic novel/comic book excerpts/panels, and hybrid forms (surprise us!)

 Prose submissions

  • submit up to three works (fiction, nonfiction, or hybrid) uploaded as separate submissions, since each work will be evaluated separately
  • each piece should be up to 2,500 words 
  • each piece should be double-spaced
  • use Times New Roman font
  • 12-point font size
  • .doc or .docx format
  • a high-resolution PDF is recommended, instead, if your prose has a visual element or accompaniment

Poetry Submissions

  • submit up to three poems (6 pages total), uploaded as separate entries
  • use Times New Roman font
  • 12-point font size
  • .doc or .docx format
  • a high-resolution PDF is recommended, instead, if your poetry has a visual element or accompaniment



  • provide a biography of up to 100 words, written in the third person, when filling out the Submittable form
  • in your biography:          
  • list your affiliation with CCA (as a current/former student, faculty, or staff)
  • list your year(s) of affiliation with CCA (if past) 
  • list your Degree and Major/Emphasis (if a student)
  • some interesting biographical details (about your upbringing, creativity, career, or passions) are strongly encouraged


  • pseudonyms (pen names) are permitted 
  • if you wish to use a pseudonym, inform us and we will help protect your identity
  • biographical information must accurately represent the author’s true identity (in essence, the only factual “substitute” allowed is the author’s name itself)
  • make sure your pen name isn’t the real name of an actual person affiliated with CCA or a public, literary, artistic, or historical figure

Multilingual Accessibility

  • our staff is fluent in English
  • to submit writing in any other language, include an English-language translation with your submission, with a footnote indicating whether you would want the translation included (alongside the original) in the final publication


  • you will receive one copy of the journal if you’re accepted for publication

Writing Help For CCA Students

  • For help with written submissions, including your biography, visit the Learning Resources Center (in person or online) at CCA
  • LRC coaches can help you brainstorm, compose, and communicate your vision to improve your submission, yet they don’t copy-edit your writing
  • The LRC is located on the 2nd floor of the Main Building in room 206 (near the Materials Library)
  • To book an in-person or online appointment at the LRC visit the following website:



We look forward to hearing from you and seeing your contributions.


The Humble Pie Editorial Staff

Volume 22

Fall 2024-Spring 2025

The 30th Annual Hamaguchi Scholarship Awards History
Yozo and Minami Keiko Hamaguchi generously endowed a fund at CCAC for the purpose of granting annual awards to outstanding students in printmedia. Both artists of international reputation, the Hamaguchis were born in Japan, moving to San Francisco in 1982. Mr. Hamaguchi was a renowned master of color mezzotint printing and he gave his exquisite American-French Tool etching press to the CCAC printmaking program.

Open to Undergraduate Students from All Majors Prints, books and paper works that were made in classes at CCA may be submitted. Multimedia work that includes at least one printed element may also be submitted for the competition.
The purpose of the awards is to foster excellence and dedication in the study and practice of printmedia. To be eligible to compete for the award, students must be full-time and in good academic standing, and must have been enrolled in a printmedia course during one of these semesters: Spring 24, Fall 24, Spring 25. Winning students must enroll in classes in 2025-26 at CCA to receive the scholarship and are encouraged to continue the study of printmedia. Students graduating in Fall 2025 are also eligible.
Awards Six $5,000 Scholarships and Exhibition
An exhibition of the selected works will be held in person in Fall 2025.

Submission Requirements and Deadlines
1. To compete for the award, submit 4-10 works via Submittable and in-person by March 14th.
2. Complete the digital submission on Submittable, which includes images, image details and a 150-word artist statement.
3. Submit work in person at Rayko Print Studio by March 14th Contact Studio Manager Meri Brin (Meri@cca.edu) about drop-off.
Recipients of the Hamaguchi scholarship must leave all selected work with the Printmedia Program from March 15th, 2024 until the end of the Hamaguchi exhibition in Fall 2025.

Dignidad Rebelde: Jesus Barraza and Melanie Cervantes, Hamaguchi Visiting Artist Lecture with celebrated California print collaborative, Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 7 - 9 pm

*the Hamaguchi Lecture begins with the announcement of Hamaguchi scholarship winners for 2025.

Nave Presentation Space, Main Building

California College of the Arts, 145 Hooper Street, San Francisco

For questions about how to submit your work or guidance on selecting works please contact Printmedia Faculty, Anthea Black ablack@cca.edu.  

Preparing Your Images:
You may want to include close up detail shots of your pieces, and multiple angles if it is a 3D piece.
Check out the Career Development “Document Your Work At Home Workshop” here. (Advance the video to 14 minutes where the tutorial on lighting begins.)

Writing Artist Statements:
Prepare an artist statement of no more than 150 words. Some helpful links are listed below:
ArtistsU: "Making Your Life as an Artist" Workbook (chapter on "Mission")
BmoreArt: "The Artist Statement & Why They Mostly Suck"
artybollocks Artist Statement Generator (aka what not to do)
The Creative Independent: "How to write an artist statement" by Sarah Hotchkiss (CCA alum)
Artwork Archive" What to Avoid When Writing Your Artist Statement"

This Year's Jurors

Courtney Sennish, Visiting Artist and Master Printer, Moonlight Press

Mikae Hara Printmedia Alumna, California College of Arts and Crafts and Professor at Osaka University of Arts

Anthea Black, Associate Professor in Printmedia and Graduate Fine Arts, California College of the Arts

Open Call for Animation Faculty Pool

CCA Animation Program

CCA BFA in Animation webpage


Unranked, Adjunct Faculty, Animation Program



Founded in 1907, California College of the Arts (CCA) is an independent non-profit art college with undergraduate programs in architecture, design, fine arts, visual studies, and writing and literature.  The college also has graduate programs in architecture, comics, design, interaction design, curatorial practice, design strategy, fine arts, film, visual and critical studies, and writing.  Through these programs, the college has created a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment to fulfill the school’s motto of “Make art that matters.”  Diverse cultural perspectives enrich the CCA community and the college believes that continuing to expand the horizons of the students and faculty is essential to achieving its educational objectives. CCA represents over one hundred years of dedication to its mission, whose character reflects its location in the San Francisco Bay Area, where histories of radical politics and technological innovation inform a culturally rich academic community infused by art schools, research universities, world-renowned museums, galleries, start-ups and community-run institutions. With campuses in Oakland and San Francisco, CCA currently enrolls 1,300 full-time students and is embarking on a major campus planning project that will unify the college in one location and ensure its academic excellence for the next century.

Program Summary

The Animation Program at California College of the Arts educates students in the art of animation. Our students develop a personal voice and practical expertise by exploring a wide range of classes centered on exploration, production, traditional animation, and digital technical skills. The program's course of study focuses on skill building and collaborative animation production that includes: intensive animation exercises, character and performance study, narrative storytelling, experimentation, personal expression, and interactive media. CCA is expanding curriculum in game areas, particularly independent and fine arts related game design. Our program offers an intensive hands-on production experience coupled with a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and prepares our students for a lifetime of creative work.  We nurture individual talents and skills while striving to merge new technologies with traditionally proven methods. Our faculty members bring a diverse teaching style and a broad range of real world experience, which allows them to train and inspire our students to become leaders in the field of animation. More information about the Animation Program can be found at: http://www.cca.edu/fine-arts/animation.

Position Summary

The Fine Arts Division at CCA invites animation and game artists to apply for unranked Adjunct positions (Adjunct I and Adjunct II) in Animation and game arts and development. Candidates should be deeply engaged with the fundamentals of animation, articulate in the classroom, astute during critiques, and interested in animation and/or game as a form of cinematic or interactive storytelling. They should be aware of contemporary studio and artistic practices and be able to effectively teach to a diverse group of students across all levels of the undergraduate experience. Candidates should be dedicated to mentoring animation and/or game’s future creative leaders and preparing them to assume vital roles in studio-based entertainment animation, contemporary cinema art practice, and game arenas.

In keeping with CCA’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, and social justice, we seek candidates who cultivate an equitable scholarly environment and curriculum within an increasingly international student body and a large demographic of first generation college students. In their statements of teaching philosophy, candidates should address their proven track record of teaching and leading in a culturally competent manner with a global perspective, working with diverse groups and fostering an understanding of and respect for diverse cultural practices.

This position may teach as many as three to four classes per year in some combination of one of the following:

  • 2D animation, storytelling, 3D animation, 3D digital modeling and rigging, stop-motion, or other animation courses
  • Game design, , Game and Play studies, Game engine coding/scripting (C# preferably), game related production, either games themselves, or animation or creation of game assets
  • first year program entry level studio tools

Unranked faculty jobs serve the specific instructional needs of the college. Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty provide students with instruction by ensuring the delivery of designated course content and adherence to stated learning goals for assigned courses.

Core Duties:

  • Maintain competence in the field of instruction (inclusive of staying informed of current developments in that field) and successfully bring this expertise to bear on instruction and the achievement of student learning for all students in the course.
  • Attend new faculty orientation, if applicable.
  • Develop and/or revise the course section description, syllabus, assignments, activities, curricula, and policies in accordance with all program policies and directives.
  • Adhere to the course description as communicated to students by the College.
  • Adhere to the course-specific learning outcomes as designated and provided by the Program, and participate in course, program, and college assessment and accreditation activities.
  • Prepare for class; plan, coordinate, and lead all classroom activities; and assist students with course materials.
  • Regularly monitor student progress, provide feedback and grades to students, and discuss performance with students.
  • Exclusively use CCA email addresses and servers for all CCA communications; and during the period of the course obligations, substantively respond to all CCA-related communications within 48 hours.
  • Submit a course syllabus adhering to all program and college requirements and input the required textbook information by the deadlines established by the College.
  • Submit grades for all students by the deadline established by Student Records.
  • Attend meetings related to course teaching obligations when required.
  • Apprise the program chair, designated coordinator, program expert, advising staff, and/or administrative staff of any concerns regarding students as needed.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty are expected to attend all scheduled course meeting sessions. Additional guidelines regarding faculty absences are outlined in the Faculty Handbook and Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty may perform committee, governance, or other college-wide service with the permission of the provost as described in Articles 20 and 27 of the CBA. These non-instructional assignments have separate position descriptions or outlines of responsibilities, and are evaluated separately from an Adjunct I/II’s faculty position.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty will be evaluated according to the college-wide faculty evaluation process as a method of demonstrating teaching effectiveness.

Adjunct I faculty must apply for promotion review after 6 semesters of teaching at CCA and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. Adjunct II faculty must apply for promotion review after 12 semesters of teaching at CCA and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. The promotion review process and outcomes are defined in Article 14 of the CBA.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty members are expected to abide by all operational policies of the College; however, it is the responsibility of the College to give appropriate advance notice of policy and operational changes, and to include information concerning changes in faculty orientation and training sessions.


● A terminal degree in a field relevant to teaching assignment(s) is preferred;

● Evidence of successful teaching for fewer than four academic years in the area of the course assignment(s) at an accredited higher educational institution is required; and/or

● Equivalent non-teaching professional experience in the area of the course assignment(s), as judged by the College is required.


● A terminal degree in a field relevant to teaching assignment(s) is preferred;

● Evidence of successful teaching for at least four academic years in the area of the course assignment(s) at an accredited institution of higher education is required; and/or

● Equivalent non-teaching professional experience in the area of the course assignment(s), as determined by the College is required.


  • Familiarity with either:          
    • Contemporary Animation modes, including studio, festival, or contemporary animated cinema, and a record of professional excellence



  • Contemporary Game development, including game design and play for commercial, independent, or fine arts applications
  • Specific skills and knowledge are needed in one or more of the following areas:          
    • Traditional Animation, Digital 2D Animation, 3D Character Modeling, 3D Character Animation, Character Rigging, Storytelling, Storyboarding, the Production Pipeline, Character Design, and Cinema Language



  • Game Design, Game Play/Theory, Asset Creation for Game, Animation for Game


Current pay rates are available here. 

Application Deadline

This is a rolling application process, there is no deadline.

The review of applications will be ongoing and materials will be kept for future possibilities unless applicants indicate otherwise.

Application Instructions

Qualified applicants must complete the online application below by uploading the following materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of interest
  • Statement of teaching philosophy highlighting areas of pedagogic concentration
  • Artist statement/Statement addressing professional practice
  • Portfolio/Reel - 15-20 images and/or 10 mins of video
  • Contact information for three professional references

Samples of student work, course descriptions and/or syllabi may be requested by the search committee at a later date.

EEO Statement

As an educational and cultural institution, California College of the Arts has a responsibility to provide access and opportunities for all people, with special attention to supporting groups historically underrepresented in higher education. We believe that a culturally diverse campus is integral to academic excellence, and our student, faculty, staff, and trustee bodies should reflect the diverse world in which we live, with attention to race, ethnicity, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ability. California College of the Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.

Open Call 

Critical Studies Program Adjunct Faculty Pool

Science & Math Program: Environmental Sciences

CCA Critical Studies webpage

Critical Studies Environmental Practices Minor information


Unranked, Adjunct Faculty, Critical Studies Program


Program Summary

The Critical Studies Program, housed within the Humanities & Sciences division, develops students’ distinctive voices and critical thinking skills. The curriculum invites students to consider multiple perspectives when exploring complex problems. Our courses provide opportunities for stimulating interactions, conducting interdisciplinary work, and respecting diversity and inclusion.

Science & Math courses teach skills in experimentation, modeling, and observation. Critical Studies offers a minor in Ecological Practices, which invites artists and designers to pursue the study of ecology, environmental justice, sustainability, and resilience within the context of their program of study. Students interested in exploring the interaction of human and natural worlds through their studio practices and writing are especially well-suited for this minor. Coursework goes beyond popular familiarity with topics such as climate change and biodiversity to investigate the deep connections between scientific, ecological knowledge and students’ work as artists, designers, architects, or writers. Faculty in Science & Math who teach Environmental Practices courses are dedicated to helping students understand and appreciate the natural world, and how to work toward sustainability within the framework of the scientific method.

Position Summary

The Critical Studies Department at CCA invites instructors with specialties in any area of Environmental Sciences to apply for unranked Adjunct positions (Adjunct I and Adjunct II). Candidates should be connected to contemporary and emerging environmental sciences and have an openness to hybrid forms and applying critical thinking to the scientific method. Experience with current and emerging topics in Environmental Sciences, including biodiversity, sustainability, renewable energy, green manufacturing, water conservation, waste management, and climate change, is also desirable.

In keeping with CCA’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, social justice and belonging, we seek candidates who cultivate an equitable scholarly environment and curriculum within an increasingly international student body and a large demographic of first-generation college students. Ideal candidates will bring energy and enthusiasm to the task of teaching innovative curriculum in order to foster the next generation of artists to achieve brilliance in the 21st century. We value intellectual flexibility and creative approaches to scholarship and to teaching.

This position may teach the Intro to Environmental Sciences class, and up to as many as three to four classes per year in some combination of the following:

  • Introduction to Environmental Sciences
  • Introduction to Principles of Sciences
  • Green Science
  • Specialized topics in environmental sciences

Unranked faculty jobs serve the specific instructional needs of the college. Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty provide students with instruction by ensuring the delivery of designated course content and adherence to stated learning goals for assigned courses.

Core Duties:

  • Maintain competence in the field of instruction (inclusive of staying informed of current developments in that field) and successfully bring this expertise to bear on instruction and the achievement of student learning for all students in the course.
  • Attend new faculty orientation, if applicable.
  • Develop and/or revise the course section description, syllabus, assignments, activities, curricula, and policies in accordance with all program policies and directives.
  • Adhere to the course description as communicated to students by the College.
  • Adhere to the course-specific learning outcomes as designated and provided by the Program, and participate in course, program, and college assessment and accreditation activities.
  • Prepare for class; plan, coordinate, and lead all classroom activities; and assist students with course materials.
  • Regularly monitor student progress, provide feedback and grades to students, and discuss performance with students.
  • Exclusively use CCA email addresses and servers for all CCA communications; and during the period of the course obligations, substantively respond to all CCA-related communications within 48 hours.
  • Submit a course syllabus adhering to all program and college requirements and input the required textbook information by the deadlines established by the College.
  • Submit grades for all students by the deadline established by Student Records.
  • Attend meetings related to course teaching obligations when required.
  • Apprise the program chair, designated coordinator, program expert, advising staff, and/or administrative staff of any concerns regarding students as needed.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty are expected to attend all scheduled course meeting sessions. Additional guidelines regarding faculty absences are outlined in the Faculty Handbook and Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty will be evaluated according to the college-wide faculty evaluation process as a method of demonstrating teaching effectiveness.

Adjunct I faculty must apply for promotion review after teaching five courses at CCA and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. Adjunct II faculty must apply for promotion review after 12 semesters of teaching at CCA or ten course lines as an Adjunct II, and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. The promotion review process and outcomes are defined in Article 15 of the CBA.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty members are expected to abide by all operational policies of the College; however, it is the responsibility of the College to give appropriate advance notice of policy and operational changes, and to include information concerning changes in faculty orientation and training sessions.


● A terminal degree is preferred.

● High quality teaching of four or fewer courses as an instructor of record or its equivalent level of student teaching responsibility at an accredited higher education institution; and/or

● The equivalent in non-teaching professional experience in the area of the teaching, as judged by the College, is required.


● A terminal degree is preferred.

● High quality teaching of five or more courses as an instructor of record or its equivalent level of student teaching responsibility at an accredited higher education institution as judged by the College, is required.


Current pay rates are available here.

Application Deadline

Applications are now being accepted. This is a rolling application process. The review of applications will be ongoing and materials will be kept for future possibilities unless applicants indicate otherwise.

Application Instructions

Interested candidates may apply via an online application available at this address:

Qualified applicants must complete the online application by uploading the following materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of interest
  • Statement of teaching philosophy highlighting areas of pedagogic concentration
  • Statement addressing scholarship and/or professional practice
  • Contact information for three professional references

Samples of student work, course descriptions and/or syllabi may be requested by the search committee at a later date.


Founded in 1907, California College of the Arts (CCA) is an independent non-profit art college with undergraduate programs in architecture, design, fine arts, visual studies, and writing and literature.  The college also has graduate programs in architecture, comics, design, interaction design, curatorial practice, design strategy, fine arts, film, visual and critical studies, and writing.  Through these programs, the college has created a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment to fulfill the school’s motto of “Make art that matters.”  Diverse cultural perspectives enrich the CCA community and the college believes that continuing to expand the horizons of the students and faculty is essential to achieving its educational objectives. CCA represents over one hundred years of dedication to its mission, whose character reflects its location in the San Francisco Bay Area, where histories of radical politics and technological innovation inform a culturally rich academic community infused by art schools, research universities, world-renowned museums, galleries, start-ups and community-run institutions. 

EEO Statement

As an educational and cultural institution, California College of the Arts has a responsibility to provide access and opportunities for all people, with special attention to supporting groups historically underrepresented in higher education. We believe that a culturally diverse campus is integral to academic excellence, and our student, faculty, staff, and trustee bodies should reflect the diverse world in which we live, with attention to race, ethnicity, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ability. California College of the Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.

Open Call for Critical Studies Adjunct Faculty Pool

Science & Math Program - Physical Sciences

CCA Critical Studies webpage


The Critical Studies program, together with the Bachelor of Architecture program at CCA, invites instructors with expertise in the area of Physics to apply for unranked Adjunct positions (Adjunct I and Adjunct II). Candidates should be able to teach conceptual physics to architecture and design majors, including fundamental topics of Newtonian mechanics and the properties of solids, thermal physics, principles of conservation and wave phenomena, resonance, and the transmission, absorption and reflection of sound and light waves. Experience with current and emerging topics in Building Technology, including sustainability, renewable energy, green manufacturing, water conservation, waste management, and climate change, is also desirable.

In keeping with CCA’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, social justice and belonging, we seek candidates who cultivate an equitable scholarly environment and curriculum within an increasingly international student body and a large demographic of first-generation college students. Ideal candidates will bring energy and enthusiasm to the task of teaching innovative curriculum in order to foster the next generation of artists to achieve brilliance in the 21st century. We value intellectual flexibility and creative approaches to scholarship and to teaching.

This position may teach the Physics for Architecture and Design class, and up to as many as three to four classes per year in some combination of the following:

  • Introduction to principles of science
  • Specialty topics in physical sciences such as chemistry, Earth science, geology, or astronomy
  • Material science and sustainability
  • Specialty topics in environmental sciences

Program Summary

The Critical Studies Program, housed within the Humanities & Sciences division, develops students’ distinctive voices and critical thinking skills. The curriculum invites students to consider multiple perspectives when exploring complex problems. Our courses provide opportunities for stimulating interactions, conducting interdisciplinary work, and respecting diversity and inclusion.

Science & Math courses teach skills in experimentation, modeling, and observation. Critical Studies offers a minor in Ecological Practices, which invites artists and designers to pursue the study of ecology, environmental justice, sustainability, and resilience within the context of their program of study. Students interested in exploring the interaction of human and natural worlds through their studio practices and writing are especially well-suited for this minor. Coursework goes beyond popular familiarity with topics such as climate change and biodiversity to investigate the deep connections between scientific, ecological knowledge and students’ work as artists, designers, architects, or writers. Critical studies also offers a range of science and math courses in physical and natural sciences, and mathematics.


Founded in 1907, California College of the Arts (CCA) is an independent non-profit art college with undergraduate programs in architecture, design, fine arts, visual studies, and writing and literature. The college also has graduate programs in architecture, comics, design, interaction design, curatorial practice, design strategy, fine arts, film, visual and critical studies, and writing. Through these programs, the college has created a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment to fulfill the school’s motto of “Make art that matters.”  Diverse cultural perspectives enrich the CCA community and the college believes that continuing to expand the horizons of the students and faculty is essential to achieving its educational objectives. CCA represents over one hundred years of dedication to its mission, whose character reflects its location in the San Francisco Bay Area, where histories of radical politics and technological innovation inform a culturally rich academic community infused by art schools, research universities, world-renowned museums, galleries, start-ups, and community-run institutions. With campuses in Oakland and San Francisco, CCA currently enrolls 1,600 full-time students and is embarking on a major campus planning project that will unify the college in one location and ensure its academic excellence for the next century.

Position Description

Unranked faculty jobs serve the specific instructional needs of the college. Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty provide students with instruction by ensuring the delivery of designated course content and adherence to stated learning goals for assigned courses.

Core Duties:

  • Maintain competence in the field of instruction (inclusive of staying informed of current developments in that field) and successfully bring this expertise to bear on instruction and the achievement of student learning for all students in the course.
  • Attend new faculty orientation, if applicable.
  • Develop and/or revise the course section description, syllabus, assignments, activities, curricula, and policies in accordance with all program policies and directives.
  • Adhere to the course description as communicated to students by the College.
  • Adhere to the course-specific learning outcomes as designated and provided by the Program, and participate in course, program, and college assessment and accreditation activities.
  • Prepare for class; plan, coordinate, and lead all classroom activities; and assist students with course materials.
  • Regularly monitor student progress, provide feedback and grades to students, and discuss performance with students.
  • Exclusively use CCA email addresses and servers for all CCA communications; and during the period of the course obligations, substantively respond to all CCA-related communications within 48 hours.
  • Submit a course syllabus adhering to all program and college requirements and input the required textbook information by the deadlines established by the College.
  • Submit grades for all students by the deadline established by Student Records.
  • Attend meetings related to course teaching obligations when required.
  • Apprise the program chair, designated coordinator, program expert, advising staff, and/or administrative staff of any concerns regarding students as needed.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty are expected to attend all scheduled course meeting sessions. Additional guidelines regarding faculty absences are outlined in the Faculty Handbook and Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty may perform committee, governance, or other college-wide service with the permission of the provost as described in Articles 20 and 27 of the CBA. These non-instructional assignments have separate position descriptions or outlines of responsibilities, and are evaluated separately from an Adjunct I/II’s faculty position.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty will be evaluated according to the college-wide faculty evaluation process as a method of demonstrating teaching effectiveness.

Adjunct I faculty must apply for promotion review after 6 semesters of teaching at CCA and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. Adjunct II faculty must apply for promotion review after 12 semesters of teaching at CCA and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. The promotion review process and outcomes are defined in Article 14 of the CBA.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty members are expected to abide by all operational policies of the College; however, it is the responsibility of the College to give appropriate advance notice of policy and operational changes, and to include information concerning changes in faculty orientation and training sessions.

Minimum Qualifications For Adjunct I

● A terminal degree in a field relevant to teaching assignment(s) is preferred.

● Evidence of successful teaching for fewer than four academic years in the area of the course assignment(s) at an accredited higher educational institution is required; and/or

● Equivalent non-teaching professional experience in the area of the course assignment(s), as judged by the College is required.

Minimum Qualifications For Adjunct II

● A terminal degree in a field relevant to teaching assignment(s) is preferred.

● Evidence of successful teaching for at least four academic years in the area of the course assignment(s) at an accredited institution of higher education is required; and/or

● Equivalent non-teaching professional experience in the area of the course assignment(s), as determined by the College is required.


Current pay rates are available here. 

Application Deadline

Applications are now being accepted, with the hope of making a selection for Spring 2022 teaching before mid-November.

This is a rolling application process. The review of applications will be ongoing and materials will be kept for future possibilities unless applicants indicate otherwise.

Application Instructions

Interested candidates may apply via an online application available at this address:

Qualified applicants must complete the online application by uploading the following materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of interest
  • Statement of teaching philosophy highlighting areas of pedagogic concentration
  • Statement addressing scholarship and/or professional practice
  • Contact information for three professional references

Samples of student work, course descriptions and/or syllabi may be requested by the search committee at a later date.

EEO Statement

As an educational and cultural institution, California College of the Arts has a responsibility to provide access and opportunities for all people, with special attention to supporting groups historically underrepresented in higher education. We believe that a culturally diverse campus is integral to academic excellence, and our student, faculty, staff, and trustee bodies should reflect the diverse world in which we live, with attention to race, ethnicity, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ability. California College of the Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.

CCA Critical Studies webpage

Critical Studies Computational Practices Minor Information


Unranked, Adjunct Faculty, Critical Studies Program



The Critical Studies Program, housed within the Humanities & Sciences division, develops students’ distinctive voices and critical thinking skills. The curriculum invites students to consider multiple perspectives when exploring complex problems. Our courses provide opportunities for stimulating interactions, conducting interdisciplinary work, and respecting diversity and inclusion.

Science & Math courses teach skills in experimentation, modeling, and observation. Critical Studies offers a minor in Computational Practices, which invites artists and designers to apply computational programming skills within the context of their studio practice in art and design. Coursework in Computational Practice provides students with the skills and resources to create new technologies and tools in ways that advance their disciplines. The program views programming and technology in a broad sense, and incorporates a range of tools and techniques drawing on hardware, interfaces, and other new and emerging technologies that invite creative experimentation in understanding, generating, and applying data about the world. Faculty in Science & Math who teach Computational Practices courses are dedicated to helping students understand and appreciate the role of technology in society, and how to create and combine technological designs to improve society within the framework of the scientific method.

Position Summary

The Critical Studies Department at CCA invites instructors with programming and technological expertise to apply for unranked Adjunct positions (Adjunct I and Adjunct II). Candidates should have experience programming in JavaScript, Arduino, and other programming languages. They should have experience building usable tools, devices, and systems designed for an array of practical contexts, as well as experience using programming in the service of art or design-focused projects. The ideal candidate will have strong track record as a technologist as well as demonstrated success in art and design contexts. Candidates should be able to teach students both programming and critical thinking skills related to scientific methods. Experience with current and emerging topics in Computational Practices, including artificial intelligence / machine learning, sensing, and physical computing are also desirable.

In keeping with CCA’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, social justice, and belonging, we seek candidates who cultivate an equitable scholarly environment and curriculum within an increasingly international student body and a large demographic of first-generation college students. Ideal candidates will bring energy and enthusiasm to the task of teaching innovative curriculum in order to foster the next generation of artists to achieve brilliance in the 21st century. We value intellectual flexibility and creative approaches to scholarship and to teaching.

This position may teach across the Computational Practices minor, and from one to up to as many as three to four classes per year in some combination of the following:

  • Introduction to Computational Practices 1
  • Introduction to Computational Practices 2
  • Computational Studio practices
  • Programming in specific languages such as JavaScript and Arduino
  • Specialty programming topics

Unranked faculty jobs serve the specific instructional needs of the college. Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty provide students with instruction by ensuring the delivery of designated course content and adherence to stated learning goals for assigned courses.

Core Duties:

  • Maintain competence in the field of instruction (inclusive of staying informed of current developments in that field) and successfully bring this expertise to bear on instruction and the achievement of student learning for all students in the course.
  • Attend new faculty orientation, if applicable.
  • Develop and/or revise the course section description, syllabus, assignments, activities, curricula, and policies in accordance with all program policies and directives.
  • Adhere to the course description as communicated to students by the College.
  • Adhere to the course-specific learning outcomes as designated and provided by the Program, and participate in course, program, and college assessment and accreditation activities.
  • Prepare for class; plan, coordinate, and lead all classroom activities; and assist students with course materials.
  • Regularly monitor student progress, provide feedback and grades to students, and discuss performance with students.
  • Exclusively use CCA email addresses and servers for all CCA communications; and during the period of the course obligations, substantively respond to all CCA-related communications within 48 hours.
  • Submit a course syllabus adhering to all program and college requirements and input the required textbook information by the deadlines established by the College.
  • Submit grades for all students by the deadline established by Student Records.
  • Attend meetings related to course teaching obligations when required.
  • Apprise the program chair, designated coordinator, program expert, advising staff, and/or administrative staff of any concerns regarding students as needed.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty are expected to attend all scheduled course meeting sessions. Additional guidelines regarding faculty absences are outlined in the Faculty Handbook and Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty will be evaluated according to the college-wide faculty evaluation process as a method of demonstrating teaching effectiveness.

Adjunct I faculty must apply for promotion review after teaching five courses at CCA and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. Adjunct II faculty must apply for promotion review after 12 semesters of teaching at CCA or ten course lines as an Adjunct II, and be awarded promotion by the Provost in order to be eligible to continue teaching at the College. The promotion review process and outcomes are defined in Article 15 of the CBA.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty members are expected to abide by all operational policies of the College; however, it is the responsibility of the College to give appropriate advance notice of policy and operational changes, and to include information concerning changes in faculty orientation and training sessions.


● A terminal degree is preferred.

● High quality teaching of four or fewer courses as an instructor of record or its equivalent level of student teaching responsibility at an accredited higher education institution; and/or

● The equivalent in non-teaching professional experience in the area of the teaching, as judged by the College, is required.


● A terminal degree is preferred.

● High quality teaching of five or more courses as an instructor of record or its equivalent level of student teaching responsibility at an accredited higher education institution as judged by the College, is required.


Current pay rates are available here. 

Application Deadline

Applications are now being accepted. This is a rolling application process. The review of applications will be ongoing and materials will be kept for future possibilities unless applicants indicate otherwise.

Application Instructions

Interested candidates may apply via an online application available at this address:

Qualified applicants must complete the online application by uploading the following materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of interest
  • Statement of teaching philosophy highlighting areas of pedagogic concentration
  • Statement addressing scholarship and/or professional practice
  • Contact information for three professional references

Samples of student work, course descriptions and/or syllabi may be requested by the search committee at a later date.


Founded in 1907, California College of the Arts (CCA) is an independent non-profit art college with undergraduate programs in architecture, design, fine arts, visual studies, and writing and literature. The college also has graduate programs in architecture, comics, design, interaction design, curatorial practice, design strategy, fine arts, film, visual and critical studies, and writing.  Through these programs, the college has created a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment to fulfill the school’s motto of “Make art that matters.”  Diverse cultural perspectives enrich the CCA community and the college believes that continuing to expand the horizons of the students and faculty is essential to achieving its educational objectives. CCA represents over one hundred years of dedication to its mission, whose character reflects its location in the San Francisco Bay Area, where histories of radical politics and technological innovation inform a culturally rich academic community infused by art schools, research universities, world-renowned museums, galleries, start-ups, and community-run institutions. 

EEO Statement

As an educational and cultural institution, California College of the Arts has a responsibility to provide access and opportunities for all people, with special attention to supporting groups historically underrepresented in higher education. We believe that a culturally diverse campus is integral to academic excellence, and our student, faculty, staff, and trustee bodies should reflect the diverse world in which we live, with attention to race, ethnicity, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ability. California College of the Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.

Open Call for Game Arts Faculty Pool 

Game Arts Program

CCA BFA in Game Arts webpage



Founded in 1907, California College of the Arts (CCA) is an independent non-profit art college with undergraduate programs in architecture, design, fine arts, visual studies, and writing and literature.  The college also has graduate programs in architecture, comics, design, interaction design, curatorial practice, design strategy, fine arts, film, visual and critical studies, and writing.  Through these programs, the college has created a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment to fulfill the school’s motto of “Make art that matters.”  Diverse cultural perspectives enrich the CCA community and the college believes that continuing to expand the horizons of the students and faculty is essential to achieving its educational objectives. CCA represents over one hundred years of dedication to its mission, whose character reflects its location in the San Francisco Bay Area, where histories of radical politics and technological innovation inform a culturally rich academic community infused by art schools, research universities, world-renowned museums, galleries, start-ups and community-run institutions. With a campus in San Francisco, CCA currently enrolls 1,650 full-time students and is embarking on a major campus planning project that will unify the college in one location and ensure its academic excellence for the next century. 

Program Summary

The Game Arts Program at California College of the Arts educates students in the art of Game Making. Our students develop a personal voice and technical expertise through exploring a wide range of classes centered on exploration, production, conceptual and digital technical skills in crafting digital, analog, mixed-medium, and experimental works of game. The program's course of study focuses on skill development and collaborative Game Arts practice that includes: game design, game development, game programming, real-time game animation and asset creation.  Built atop a strong foundation in game studies and history, CCA Game Arts is expansive, interdisciplinary, and inclusive of independent and fine arts related game work. Our program offers an intensive hands-on production experience coupled with a broad exposure to the liberal arts, and prepares our students for a lifetime of creative work.  We nurture individual talents and skills while striving to merge new technologies with traditionally proven methods. Our faculty members bring a diverse teaching style and a broad range of real world experience, which allows them to train and inspire our students to become leaders in the field of Game Arts. More information about the Game Arts Program can be found at: https://www.cca.edu/fine-arts/game-arts/

Position Summary 

The Fine Arts Division at CCA invites game artists, game designers, game developers, game engineers, game animators, and scholars with experience teaching game/play theory and history to apply for unranked Adjunct positions (Adjunct I and Adjunct II) in Game Arts. Candidates should be deeply engaged with the fundamentals of game design and development, articulate in the classroom, astute during critiques, and interested in forms of interactive art and entertainment They should be aware of contemporary studio and artistic practices and be able to effectively teach to a diverse group of students across all levels of the undergraduate experience. Candidates should be dedicated to mentoring game’s future creative leaders and preparing them to assume vital roles in commercial game studios, independent studios, or in contemporary practice as an artist working in the medium of games. 

In keeping with CCA’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, and social justice, we seek candidates who cultivate an equitable scholarly environment and curriculum within an increasingly international student body and a large demographic of first generation college students. In their statements of teaching philosophy, candidates should address their proven track record of teaching and leading in a culturally competent manner with a global perspective, working with diverse groups and fostering an understanding of and respect for diverse cultural practices. 

This position may teach as many as three to four classes per year in some combination of one of the following:

  • Game Design, Game Development, Game and Play Studies
  • Game Engine Development: Coding/Scripting (C# preferably), Game Production, either games themselves, or creation of Game Assets or Game Animation
  • 3D Real-Time Game Animation, 3D Digital Modeling and rigging, or other animation courses in the creation of game assets for 2D, 3D, and XR games
  • XR/VR/AR/MR Game Development, Production, Asset and Environment Creation 
  • AI for Game, Games Systems Architecture, Systems/Level Design 
  • Analog Game Design: Production and Development for Tabletop, Social, Site-based Mixed-medium and/or Experimental works of game
  • Game Writing, Interactive Storytelling, and Narrative Design
  • Conceptual and Topic-based Games Courses, Workshops, and Production Tutorials 

Unranked faculty jobs serve the specific instructional needs of the college. Adjunct faculty provide students with instruction by ensuring the delivery of designated course content and adherence to stated learning goals for assigned courses.

Core Duties:

  • Maintain competence in the field of instruction (inclusive of staying informed of current developments in that field) and successfully bring this expertise to bear on instruction and the achievement of student learning for all students in the course.
  • Attend new faculty orientation, if applicable.
  • Develop and/or revise the course section description, syllabus, assignments, activities, curricula, and policies in accordance with all program policies and directives.
  • Adhere to the course description as communicated to students by the College.
  • Adhere to the course-specific learning outcomes as designated and provided by the Program, and participate in course, program, and college assessment and accreditation activities.
  • Prepare for class; plan, coordinate, and lead all classroom activities; and assist students with course materials.
  • Regularly monitor student progress, provide feedback and grades to students, and discuss performance with students.
  • Exclusively use CCA email addresses and servers for all CCA communications; and during the period of the course obligations, substantively respond to all CCA-related communications within 48 hours.
  • Submit a course syllabus adhering to all program and college requirements and input the required textbook information by the deadlines established by the College.
  • Submit grades for all students by the deadline established by Student Records.
  • Attend meetings related to course teaching obligations when required.
  • Apprise the program chair, designated coordinator, program expert, advising staff, and/or administrative staff of any concerns regarding students as needed.

Adjunct faculty are expected to attend all scheduled course meeting sessions. Additional guidelines regarding faculty absences are outlined in the Faculty Handbook and Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Adjunct I and Adjunct II faculty members are expected to abide by all operational policies of the College; however, it is the responsibility of the College to give appropriate advance notice of policy and operational changes, and to include information concerning changes in faculty orientation and training sessions.


Adjunct I:

  • A terminal degree is preferred;
  • High quality teaching of four or fewer courses as instructor of record or its equivalent level of student teaching responsibility at an accredited higher education institution; and/or
  • The equivalent in non-teaching professional experience in the area of the teaching, as judged by the College, is required.

Adjunct II:

  • A terminal degree is preferred;
  • High quality teaching of five or more courses as instructor of record or its equivalent level of student teaching responsibility at an accredited higher education institution as judged by the College, is required.


  • Familiarity with either:  
    • Contemporary Game development, including game design and play for commercial, independent, or fine arts applications and a record of professional excellence


  • Academic/scholarly background in theories and histories of game and play
  • Specific skills and knowledge are needed in one or more of the following areas: 
    • Game Design, Game/Play studies and Game History


  • Digital 2D and 3D game development, Game Engineering/Programming Real-Time Game Animation, 3D Character Modeling and Design for Game, Environmental/Level Design, Game Production Pipeline, XR/VR/AR/MR Game Development and Production, Game AI, Systems Design  


  • Tabletop Game Development and Production, including 3D Sculpting and Printing/Fabrication, Analog game systems design


  • Game Writing, Narrative Design , Interactive Storytelling, Narrative Design and Game Writing


Current pay rates are available here. 

Application Deadline

This is a rolling application process; there is no deadline.

The review of applications will be ongoing and materials will be kept for future possibilities unless applicants indicate otherwise. 

Application Instructions

Qualified applicants must complete the online application by uploading the following materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of interest
  • Statement of teaching philosophy highlighting areas of pedagogic concentration
  • Artist statement/Statement addressing professional practice 
  • Portfolio/Reel - 15-20 images and/or 10 mins of video
  • Contact information for three professional references

Samples of student work, course descriptions and/or syllabi may be requested by the search committee at a later date.  

EEO Statement

As an educational and cultural institution, California College of the Arts has a responsibility to provide access and opportunities for all people, with special attention to supporting groups historically underrepresented in higher education. We believe that a culturally diverse campus is integral to academic excellence, and our student, faculty, staff, and trustee bodies should reflect the diverse world in which we live, with attention to race, ethnicity, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ability. California College of the Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from individuals who will contribute to its diversity.

The application is now open for the 2025 Graduate MFA Fine Arts Thesis Prize!

The Thesis Prize competition opens for submissions on March 6th, the same day that a complete pdf of the thesis is due to Maria Porges, (in email, mporges@cca.edu). A prize of $500 will be awarded to the thesis judged by an independent juror to be the best submission this year.

The competition closes on Thursday, March 13th at midnight. This is the DEADLINE for submission of an anonymized version of the same pdf that you submitted the week before. In other words, you must remove your name from the title page, captions and the signature page and anywhere else it might appear. 

The recipient of the prize and any honorable mentions will be announced at the Thesis Reading, which will take place on Thursday April 17th at 7 PM in N203.

Good luck!

California College of the Arts